Social Media Marketing

Facebook, YouTube Twitter and LinkedInSocial Media Marketing Everett and Lynnwood
Get support to succeed on social media

Super Charge Marketing is your one-stop social media firm for all of your social media marketing needs!

  • Setup, Customization, and Design – Does your business have no social media presence, or desperately need a professional makeover?  We will professionally create and revise profiles on sites like Facebook, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and others.  We will design your presence from the ground up, creating strong profiles and a consistent brand identity across platforms.
  • Content, Management, and Monitoring – Use our team of professional writers to ensure that you always have engaging, new content going out to your social media sites.  Content is the fuel for your profiles to collect new followers and increase engagement.  This is all done while saving your business hours of time each week as we actively monitor your profiles for leads, comments, shares, messages, and questions.  Monitoring also includes monitoring your online reputation to make sure that you’re aware what others are saying about your business.
  • Consulting – Need help on a project or unsure where to begin with social media?  We regularly consult on various projects to help you or your business understand the power of social media and other online marketing topics.  That has included online usage policies, internal tools, and surveys.  Getting a first or second opinion on online marketing can literally save your business millions of dollars.  These meetings can be scheduled as a  one-time event, a series, or as needed.
  • Speaking and Training – Everyone is telling you to use social media, but how do you get your partners and employees educated and excited about it?  We regularly speak to Chambers of Commerce, associations, large employers and other business groups and offices on the value of social media, as well as best practices.  These events are sometimes scheduled months ahead of time, so please contact us in advance.